Libros de Seguros
Mostrando 238 libros encontrados. (12 páginas).
The Pinsent Masons Guide To Insurance Distribution: Law And Regulation.
Pinsent Masons
Kogan Page (2007)
- EAN: 9780749449926
- Páginas: 304
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.81,90 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
A key industry text containing authoritative information and advice on the main issues facing insurance companies, their partners and in-house lawyers when creating partnering distribution agreements. Readable and accessible in style, it deals with all ...
Code Des Assurances : Edition 2006
Callewaert, Vincent Dubuisson,Bernard Evrard, Annette
Bruylant Editions (2007)
- EAN: 9782802722786
- Páginas: 1346
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.69,20 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Le présent ouvrage rassemble l'ensemble des textes légaux et réglementaires applicables en matière d'assurance. Destiné tant aux étudiants qu'aux praticiens (avocats, magistrats, gestionnaires de sinistres, courtiers, agents...), il répertorie successivement la loi générale du 25 ...
Market-Valuation Methods In Life And Pension Insurance
Moller, Thomas Steffensen,Mogens
Cambridge University Press (2007)
- EAN: 9780521868778
- Páginas: 294
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.82,30 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
In classical life insurance mathematics the obligations of the insurance company towards the policy holders were calculated on artificial conservative assumptions on mortality and interest rates. However, this approach is being superseded by developments in ...
When Insurers Go Bust. An Economic Analysis Of The Role And Design Of Prudential Regulation.
Plantin, Guillaume Rochet ,Jean-Charles
Princeton University Press (2007)
- EAN: 9780691129358
- Páginas: 112
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.34,50 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
In the 1990s, large insurance companies failed in virtually every major market, prompting a fierce and ongoing debate about how to better protect policyholders. Drawing lessons from the failures of four insurance companies, When Insurers ...
The Principle Of Indemnity In Marine Insurance Contracts
Noussia, Kyriaki
Springer (2007)
- EAN: 9783540490739
- Páginas: 297
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.137,25 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
With the global expansion of the maritime sector, marine insurance is on the forefront nowadays, more than ever before. Notwithstanding this growth, a vast number of legal disputes continues to emerge, with indemnity being, inter ...
Insurance Intermediation: An Economic Analysis Of The Information Services Market
Eckardt, Martina
Springer Verlag (2007)
- EAN: 9783790819397
- Páginas: 246
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.86,74 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Insurance intermediaries can help consumers to economize on information and transaction costs in insurance markets. However, competing intermediaries provide heterogeneous information services, which are difficult to assess by incompletely informed consumers. Conduct and performance in ...
Statistical And Probabilistic Methods In Actuarial Science
Boland, Philip J.
Chapman & Hall Co. (2007)
- EAN: 9781584886952
- Páginas: 368
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.63,70 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Providing a solid foundation of both theory and methods, "Statistical and Probabilistic Methods in Actuarial Science" offers a unified and accessible introduction to probability and statistics for students aspiring to careers in actuarial science and ...
Handbook Of International Insurance: Between Global Dynamics And Local Contingencies
Cummins,J.David Venard, Bertrand
Springer (2007)
- EAN: 9780387341620
- Páginas: 1000
- Fecha de edición: 2007
pvp.226,95 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Handbook of International Insurance: Between Global Dynamics and Local Contingencies analyzes key trends in the insurance industry in more than 15 important national insurance markets that represent over 90 percent of world insurance premiums. Well-known ...
Colinvaux'S Law Of Insurance
Merkin, Robert
Sweet And Maxwell (2006)
- EAN: 9780421947702
- Páginas: 485
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.398,60 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Colinvaux presents a thorough but concisely written analysis of all areas of insurance law. Beginning with the contract and insurance policies, it goes on to consider the parties involved, before examining individually marine, life, accident, ...
Encyclopedia Of Insurance Law. Set 2 Vol.
Birds, John
Sweet And Maxwell (2006)
- EAN: 9780421281509
- Páginas: 544
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.1648,15 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
This work has now been significantly revamped and expanded with a new editorial team to guarantee the broadest coverage on all aspects of insurance law and practice.
The Encyclopedia provides an authoritative and relevant source ... -
Insurance Law
Buckley, Agustin
Thomson Round Hall (2006)
- EAN: 9781858004419
- Páginas: 0
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.305,70 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
When first published in 1997, "Insurance Law in Ireland" was the first Irish textbook on the subject. It won the author the Sargison Medal awarded for only the third time in over fifty years by ...
The Law Of Reinsurance "1st Supplement"
1st SupplementO'Neill, Terry Woloniecki, Jan
Sweet And Maxwell (2006)
- EAN: 9780421919501
- Páginas: 204
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.143,70 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
"The Law of Reinsurance" provides a comprehensive guide to both the law and practice in this complex area of law. This new edition has been extensively revised following a period of significant change in the ...
Pensionomics: On The Role Of Paygo In Pension Portfolios
Jäkel, Matthias F.
Springer Verlag (2006)
- EAN: 9783540325970
- Páginas: 328
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.81,00 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
"Pensionomics" puts forward a portfolio perspective on the combination of funded and unfunded pension arrangements. In a second-best type argument it is formally shown that a Pay-As-You-Go pension system can substitute the tradability of human ...
Riley On Business Interruption Insurance
Cloughton, David The London Business Interruption Association
Sweet And Maxwell (2006)
- EAN: 9780421925809
- Páginas: 500
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.273,00 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
This book provides an international guide to business interruption insurance, containing detailed comparison of UK and US practice and procedure. It focuses on the wordings of policies in both the UK and US, but also ...
Operational Risk: Modeling Analytics.
Panjer, Harry H.
Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2006)
- EAN: 9780471760894
- Páginas: 448
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.102,00 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Enterprise Risk Management provides a highly detailed development of the many probabilistic and statistical methods that are used in operational risk. These methods have traditionally been developed in the insurance/actuarial field, but they are now ...
Annuity Markets And Pension Reform
Mackenzie, George A.
Cambridge University Press (2006)
- EAN: 9780521846325
- Páginas: 264
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.56,80 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
This book treats two vital but neglected public policy issues: how should distributions from individual accounts be regulated, and how can the market for private annuities function better? It provides a comprehensive survey of the ...
Stochastic Ageing And Dependence For Reliability
Chin, Lai
Springer (2006)
- EAN: 9780387297422
- Páginas: 418
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.87,30 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Ageing and dependence are two important characteristics in reliability and survival analysis, and they affect significantly the decision people make with regard to maintenance, repair/replacement, price setting, warranties, medical studies, and other areas. There are ...
El Seguro de Muerte para Casos de Muerte
Callejo Rodriguez, Carmen
Dykinson (2005)
- EAN: 9788497726801
- Páginas: 256
- Fecha de edición: 2005
pvp.22,00 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 3 y 7 días
El auge que han alcanzado los contratos de seguro de vida para caso de muerte y el elevado importe de las indemnizaciones permiten apreciar la trascendencia creciente de este medio de atribución de bienes. Tales ...
Risk Analysis And The Security Survey
Broder, James F.
Butterworth-Heinemann (2006)
- EAN: 9780750679220
- Páginas: 351
- Fecha de edición: 2006
pvp.63,90 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias
Security and risk management are principally concerned with the protection and conservation of corporate assets and resources. The task of protection continues to be an increasingly complex one in a time when technology is creating ...
La Liquidación Administrativa de Entidades Aseguradoras
Quintans, Rocio
Mapfre (2005)
- EAN: 9788471007193
- Páginas: 330
- Fecha de edición: 2005
pvp.35,00 €
Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 3 y 7 días