Libros de: Transaction Publishers Distrib

Mostrando 32 libros encontrados. (2 páginas).

  • A Worker's Economist "John R. Commons and His Legacy from Progressivism to the War on Poverty"

    Chasse, John Dennis

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2017)


    • EAN: 9781412865395
    • Páginas: 318
    • Fecha de edición: 2017

    pvp.63,95 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    John R. Commons is one of the few reformers of the past century whose major works are still actively read, whose ideas are still debated, and whose principles are still applied to the analysis of ...

  • Society, Economics, and Philosophy "Selected Papers "

    Polanyi, Michael

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2016)


    • EAN: 9781412864039
    • Páginas: 404
    • Fecha de edición: 2016

    pvp.51,50 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Michael Polanyi was a polymath who primarily studied medicine and chemistry. Precisely because of Polanyi's work in the physical sciences, his writings have a unique dimension not found in other advocates of the market and ...

  • Economics versus Reality "How to be Effective in the Real World in Spite of Economic Theory"

    Legge, John M.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2016)


    • EAN: 9781412862516
    • Páginas: 308
    • Fecha de edición: 2016

    pvp.37,75 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    John M. Legge shows the many ways in which the real world diverges from economics textbooks. He argues that mainstream economic theory took a disastrous turn 140 years ago, when it attempted to use calculus ...

  • Green Energy Economies "The Search for Clean and Renewable Energy"

    Byrne, John Wang, Young-Doo

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2014)


    • EAN: 9781412853750
    • Páginas: 374
    • Fecha de edición: 2014

    pvp.57,20 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Green Energy Economies offers insight into the major drivers that are shaping a new future powered by clean energy sources. Assembling cutting-edge researchers as contributors, the book provides a comprehensive account of the shift underway, ...

  • Aquanomics "Water Markets and the Environment"

    Gardner, B. Delworth Simmons, Randy T.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2012)


    • EAN: 9781412845786
    • Páginas: 456
    • Fecha de edición: 2012

    pvp.42,95 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Water is becoming increasingly scarce. If recent usage trends continue, shortages are inevitable. Aquanomics discusses some of the instruments and policies that may be implemented to postpone, or even avoid, the onset of water crises. ...

  • General Theory of Law and State

    Kelsen, Hans

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2005)


    • EAN: 9781412804943
    • Páginas: 560
    • Fecha de edición: 2005

    pvp.45,75 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Widely regarded as the most important legal theorist of the twentieth century, Hans Kelsen is best known for his formulation of the "pure theory of law", - within which the study of international law was ...

  • The Nature And Essence Of Economic Theory

    Schumpeter, Joseph A.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412811507
    • Páginas: 432
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.86,65 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    In a tribute to Joseph A. Schumpeter, a great figure in the history and development of economics, this work brings together for publication his brilliantly crafted lectures delivered more than a century ago. In "The ...

  • Minds Vs Money "The War Between Intellectuals And Capitalism"
    The War Between Intellectuals And Capitalism

    Kahan, Alan S.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412810630
    • Páginas: 329
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.50,25 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    For the past 150 years, Western intellectuals have trumpeted contempt for capitalism and capitalists. They have written novels, plays, and manifestos to demonstrate the evils of the economic system in which they live. Dislike and ...

  • Political Philosophy

    Bunge, Mario

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2008)


    • EAN: 9781412808286
    • Páginas: 0
    • Fecha de edición: 2008

    pvp.74,90 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    This book is about politics, political theory, and political philosophy. Although these disciplines are often conflated because they interact, they actually are distinct. Political theory is part of political science, whereas political philosophy is a ...

  • American Rising "Power And Political Economy In The First Nation"
    Power And Political Economy In The First Nation

    Felix, David

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412808118
    • Páginas: 288
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.50,25 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    The United States became a great power in the last quarter of the nineteenth century and a superpower during World War II without quite knowing it. Few Americans fully appreciate the fact today. How many ...

  • The Triumph Of Capitalism

    Degen, Robert A.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412811453
    • Páginas: 217
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.31,30 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Though it is under siege today, there is still widespread recognition that capitalism is the socioeconomic system of choice. This volume is perhaps the best single-volume assessment of this economic model and how it emerged, ...

  • Conversations On The Nature Of Political Economy

    Marcet, Jane

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412810104
    • Páginas: 436
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.54,60 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Jane Marcet is not writing for the working classes, but for women and men of the educated classes of the nineteenth century. She draws her principles and materials from the writings of the great masters ...

  • The Great Depression

    Robbins, Lionel

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2009)


    • EAN: 9781412810081
    • Páginas: 272
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.47,95 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Examines the nature and the causes of the 1929 depression, tracing its background and the broad conditions from which the depression emerged. This book sees World War I, and the political changes that followed it, ...

  • The Islamic Challenge In Europe

    Israeli, Raphael

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2008)


    • EAN: 9781412807500
    • Páginas: 310
    • Fecha de edición: 2008

    pvp.81,80 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Since the World Trade Center attacks in New York on September 11, 2001, Europe has been plagued by Islamist attacks that have taken many lives and disrupted many services. Considerable attention has been paid to ...

  • The Triumph Of Capitalism

    Degen, Robert A.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2008)


    • EAN: 9781412806893
    • Páginas: 324
    • Fecha de edición: 2008

    pvp.50,00 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Today there is widespread recognition that capitalism is the socioeconomic system of choice. This volume, perhaps the best single-volume assessment of this economic model and how it emerged, contributes to the understanding of the historic ...

  • Monetary Policy And Macroeconomic Stabilization "The Roles Of Optimun Currency Area, Sacrifice Ratios, And Labor"
    The Roles Of Optimun Currency Area, Sacrifice Ratios, And Labor

    Bjorn Roste, Ole

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2008)


    • EAN: 9781412807487
    • Páginas: 224
    • Fecha de edición: 2008

    pvp.62,80 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    As a fundamental review and critique of activist economic policies, this book is a unique contribution to classical political economy. "Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization" is about macroeconomic stabilization policy, with emphasis on the value ...

  • Separating Fools From Their Money: a History Of American Financial Scandals

    Hughes, Jane E. Macdonald, Scott B.

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2006)


    • EAN: 9780765803566
    • Páginas: 255
    • Fecha de edición: 2006

    pvp.45,45 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    What do Michael Milken and Martha Stewart have in common? (Answer: Both became public scapegoats for an outrageous era of greed and excess.) Jack Welch and Jim Fisk? (Answer: Both were captains of industry, eventually ...

  • Writings On Economics

    Hume, David Rotwein, Eugene Schabas, Margaret

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2007)


    • EAN: 9781412806046
    • Páginas: 224
    • Fecha de edición: 2007

    pvp.45,00 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    Originally published in 1955, Eugene Rotwein's collection of David Hume's economic writings has become the criterion by which to measure studies of Hume's thinking on economics. Rotwein, in his extended introduction, masterfully examines the connection ...

  • Selected Economic Writings

    Mill, John Stuart

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2006)


    • EAN: 9781412805780
    • Páginas: 452
    • Fecha de edición: 2006

    pvp.51,00 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    James Mill was the consummate utilitarian economist and theorist: his numerous intellectual interests and practical pursuits shatter the net boundaries of modern specialist scholarship in social science. Mill's many-sided genius was primarily a product of ...

  • Peddling Panaceas: Popular Economists In The New Deal Era.

    Best, Gary

    Transaction Publishers Distrib (2005)


    • EAN: 9780765802880
    • Páginas: 273
    • Fecha de edición: 2005

    pvp.70,90 €

    Sin Stock. Posibilidad entre 11 y 20 dias

    As the Great Depression dragged on without a recovery, Americans were avid for anything that would help them to understand its causes and possible solutions. During this period, orthodox economists were largely discredited, both in ...