Libros de: Harvard University Press

Mostrando 183 libros encontrados. (10 páginas).

  • Foundations Of Economic Analysis Of Law

    Shavell, Steven

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674011557
    • Páginas: 768
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.129,95 €

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    In this book Steven Shavell provides an in-depth analysis and synthesis of the econoic approach to the building blocks of our legal system, namely, property law, tort law, contract law and criminal law. He also ...

  • Shaping The Industrial Century: The Remarkable Story Of The Evolution Of The Modern Chemical And Pharmac

    Chandler, Alfred

    Harvard University Press (2005)


    • EAN: 9780674017207
    • Páginas: 365
    • Fecha de edición: 2005

    pvp.37,00 €

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    The dean of business historians continues his masterful chronicle of the transforming revolutions of the twentieth century begun in Inventing the Electronic Century. Alfred Chandler argues that only with consistent attention to research and development ...

  • The Economics Of Adjustment And Growth

    Agenor, Pierre Richard

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674015784
    • Páginas: 768
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.111,50 €

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    This book provides a systematic and coherent framework for understanding the interactions between the micro and macro dimensions of economic adjustment policies; that is, it explores short-run macroeconomic management and structural adjustment policies aimed at ...

  • The Mystery Of Economic Growth.

    Helpman, Elhanan

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674015722
    • Páginas: 223
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.33,00 €

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    Far more than an intellectual puzzle for pundits, economists, and policymakers, economic growth--its makings and workings--is a subject that affects the well-being of billions of people around the globe. In The Mystery of Economic Growth, ...

  • Estimating How The Macroeconomy Works

    Fair, Ray

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674015463
    • Páginas: 352
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.85,50 €

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    Macroeconomics tries to describe and explain the economywide movement of prices, output, and unemployment. The field has been sharply divided among various schools, including Keynesian, monetarist, new classical, and others. It has also been split ...

  • Organizing Control. August Thyssen And The Construction Of German Corporate Management

    Fear, Jeffrey

    Harvard University Press (2005)


    • EAN: 9780674014923
    • Páginas: 736
    • Fecha de edición: 2005

    pvp.124,50 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    In a pioneering work, Jeffrey Fear overturns the dominant understanding of German management as "backward" relative to the U.S. and uncovers an autonomous and sophisticated German managerial tradition. Beginning with founder August Thyssen--the Andrew Carnegie ...

  • Dilemmas Of Russian Capitalism: Fedor Chizhov And Corporate Enterprise In The Railroad Age

    Owen, Thomas C.

    Harvard University Press (2005)


    • EAN: 9780674015494
    • Páginas: 272
    • Fecha de edición: 2005

    pvp.65,46 €

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    Fedor Chizhov built the first railroad owned entirely by Russian stockholders, created Moscow's first bank and mutual credit society, and launched the first profitable steamship line based in Archangel. In this valuable book, Thomas Owen ...

  • Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal And State Law And Regulation.

    Fremont-Smith, Marion

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674013063
    • Páginas: 544
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.106,35 €

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    The nonprofit sector is a vital component of society and is allowed the greatest freedom to operate. The public understandably assumes that since non-profit organisations are established to do good, the people who run nonprofits ...

  • The History Of Foreign Investment In The United States, 1914-1945.

    Wilkins, Mira

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674013087
    • Páginas: 980
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.106,35 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    Mira Wilkins, the foremost authority on foreign investment in the United States, continues her magisterial history in a work covering the critical years 1914-1945. Wilkins includes all long-term inward foreign investments, both portfolio (by individuals ...

  • Markets And Diversity.

    Rosen, Sherwin

    Harvard University Press (2004)


    • EAN: 9780674010758
    • Páginas: 384
    • Fecha de edición: 2004

    pvp.82,95 €

    En stock

    A staunch neoclassical economist, Sherwin Rosen drew inspiration from Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, particularly his theory of compensating wage differentials, which Rosen felt was central to all economic problems involving product differentiation and spatial ...

  • Business As a Vocation: The Autobiography Of Wu Ho-Su.

    Chin-Shing, Huang

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780880860475
    • Páginas: 304
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.34,00 €

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    Wu Ho-Su (1919-1986) pioneered business ventures ranging from cloth and synthetic fibre industries to department stores and life insurance. This son of a crippled former coolie began as a labourer for a Japanese cloth-importing company ...

  • Republic Of Debtors: Bankruptcy In The Age Of American Independence.

    Mann, Bruce H.

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674009028
    • Páginas: 344
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.43,00 €

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    Debt was an inescapable fact of life in early America. At the beginning of the 18th century, its sinfulness was preached by ministers and the right to imprison debtors was unquestioned. By 1800, imprisonment for ...

  • Exercises In Recursive Methods In Economic Dynamics.

    Irigoyen, Claudio Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban Wright, Mike

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674008885
    • Páginas: 304
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.56,00 €

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    This solutions manual is a valuable companion volume to the classic textbook "Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics" by Nancy L. Stokey and Robert E. Lucas. The exercises in the Stokey and Lucas book are integral ...

  • Social Economics: Market Behavior In a Social Environmental

    Becker, Gary Murphy, K.

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674011212
    • Páginas: 170
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.29,90 €

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    Economists assume that people make choices based on their preferences and their budget constraints. The preferences and values of others play no role in the standard economic model. This feature has been sharply criticized by ...

  • Competition Policy For Small Market Economics

    Gal, Michal

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674010499
    • Páginas: 336
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.61,80 €

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    For the most part, competition policy literature has focused on large economies. Yet the economic paradigms on which such policies are based do not necessarily apply to small market economies. This book demonstrates that optimal ...

  • The New Geography Of Global Income Inequality

    Firebaugh, Glenn

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674010673
    • Páginas: 257
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.63,65 €

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    The surprising finding of this work is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, global income inequality is decreasing. Critics of globalization and others maintain that the spread of consumer capitalism is dramatically polarizing the worldwide distribution ...

  • Managed Care And Monopoly Power: The Antitrust Challenge

    Haas-Wilson, Deborah

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674010529
    • Páginas: 256
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.59,80 €

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    As millions of Americans are aware, healthcare costs continue to increase rapidly. Much of this increase is due to the development of new life-sustaining drugs and procedures, but part of it is due to the ...

  • Regional Advantage. Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128.

    Saxenian, A.

    Harvard University Press (2000)


    • EAN: 9780674753402
    • Páginas: 226
    • Fecha de edición: 2000

    pvp.29,75 €

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    Why is it that business in Silicon Valley is again flourishing while along Route 128 in Massachusetts it continues to decline? The answer, Sexanian suggests, has to do with the fact that despite similar histories ...

  • Who Owns Native Culture?

    Brown, Marvin T.

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674016330
    • Páginas: 315
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.19,20 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    This book introduces the question of cultural ownership through discussion of several cases in which indigenous populations have confronted settlers over the usurpation of their cultural heritage. Brown is a professor of anthropology and Latin ...

  • Principles of Social Justice.

    Miller, Danny

    Harvard University Press (2003)


    • EAN: 9780674007147
    • Páginas: 337
    • Fecha de edición: 2003

    pvp.29,00 €

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