Shin, Yongcheol

Libros de: Shin, Yongcheol

Mostrando 2 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).

  • Global and National Macroeconometric Modelling "A Long-Run Structural Approach"

    Garratt, Anthony Lee, Kevin Pesaran, Hashem Shin, Yongcheol

    Oxford University Press. (2012)


    • EAN: 9780199650460
    • Páginas: 400
    • Fecha de edición: 2012

    pvp.39,95 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    This book provides a comprehensive description of the state-of-the-art in modelling global and national economies. It introduces the long-run structural approach to modelling that can be readily adopted for use in understanding how economies work, ...

  • Global And National Macroeconometric Modelling: a Long-Run Structural Approach

    Garratt, Anthony Lee, Keekok Pesaran, M.H. Shin, Yongcheol

    Oxford University Press (2006)


    • EAN: 9780199296859
    • Páginas: 380
    • Fecha de edición: 2006

    pvp.99,95 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    This book provides a comprehensive description of the state-of-the-art in modelling global and national economies. It introduces the long-run structural approach to modelling that can be readily adopted for use in understanding how economies work, ...