Peterson, E. Wesley F.

Libros de: Peterson, E. Wesley F.

Mostrando 2 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).

  • A Billion Dollars a Day "The Economics And Politics Of Agricultural Subsidies"
    The Economics And Politics Of Agricultural Subsidies

    Peterson, E. Wesley F.

    Blackwell Publishers (2009)


    • EAN: 9781405185875
    • Páginas: 320
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.60,00 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    In a lively, non-technical, and up-to-date account, this book addresses the core questions that surround the issues of agricultural subsidies.

    Explores these questions: Why do we have subsidies? How did they evolve? What ...

  • A Billion Dollars a Day "The Economics And Politics Of Agricultural Subsidies"
    The Economics And Politics Of Agricultural Subsidies

    Peterson, E. Wesley F.

    Blackwell Publishers (2009)


    • EAN: 9781405185868
    • Páginas: 320
    • Fecha de edición: 2009

    pvp.26,20 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    In a lively, non-technical, and up-to-date account, this book addresses the core questions that surround the issues of agricultural subsidies. This work explores these questions: Why do we have subsidies? How did they evolve? What ...