Bakshi, Rajni

Libros de: Bakshi, Rajni

Mostrando 1 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).

  • Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom "For a Market Culture Beyond the Greed and Fear"
    For a Market Culture Beyond the Greed and Fear

    Bakshi, Rajni

    Greenleaf Publishing (2011)


    • EAN: 9781906093631
    • Páginas: 480
    • Fecha de edición: 2011

    pvp.25,20 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    Long before the financial meltdown and the red alert on climate change, some far-sighted innovators diagnosed the fatal flaws in an economic system driven by greed and fear. Across the global North and South, diverse ...