Aronson, Elliot

Libros de: Aronson, Elliot

Mostrando 2 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).

  • Mistakes Were Made (But not by Me)

    Aronson, Elliot Tavris, Carol

    Pinter and Martin Ltd (2013)


    • EAN: 9781780660356
    • Páginas: 303
    • Fecha de edición: 2013

    pvp.13,50 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    Why do people dodge responsibility when things fall apart? Why the parade of public figures unable to own up when they make mistakes? Why the endless marital quarrels over who is right? Why can we ...

  • Social Psychology with MyPsychLab Access Card "Global Edition"

    Aronson, Elliot

    Prentice-Hall International Ed (2010)


    • EAN: 9781408264560
    • Páginas: 0
    • Fecha de edición: 2010

    pvp.60,27 €

    Disponible entre 11 y 20 dias

    This renowned text maintains its acclaimed storytelling approach to convey the science of social psychology while making research relevant to students. The authors bring the material under study to life through real-world examples that capture ...